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Signs You Need to Replace Your Windows

March 4, 2021

Explore the Window Replacement Process Today

Have you recently noticed a hairline crack in one of your windows? Perhaps you've seen an uptick in your monthly heating costs, but you're not sure why. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to identify the right time to replace your windows. While there are many tell-tale problems exhibited by residential windows, some underlying issues aren't so easy to uncover. Thankfully, the certified team members at Arrow Home Improvements are constantly standing by to provide support!

Be sure to browse the following post to learn more about the replacement process. If you've recently noticed any of the these warning signs, you may choose to purchase replacement windows. Even if you're not quite sure the time is right to update your Long Island, NY home, our certified craftsmen are available to make an educated assessment of your windows.

You Hear Outside Noises 

If you can hear everything happening outside of your windows, it is likely that they were not sealed correctly or were poorly made to begin with. Replacing your windows can help decrease outside noise, which is especially helpful if you live in a busy neighborhood or on a busy street.

Your Window Frames Are Damaged

A small crack in your window frame may not seem like an urgent issue, but that crack can spread quickly. If you catch a crack on your window frame early enough, you might be able to repair it, but if the crack continues to spread, it might be time to replace the window.

The Window Glass is Damaged

Any size crack in the window glass is a major issue that needs to be addressed. Just like in your window frames, cracks in the glass can easily spread and could cause bigger problems for your home’s energy efficiency. You may be able to just replace the cracked pane but in some cases, it’s best to replace the entire window - especially if your windows are more than fifteen years old or original to your home.

Drafty Windows

Drafts are one of the most noticeable signs that it is time to replace your windows. Old windows often become drafty over time, allowing the comfortable air from inside your home to escape. If you feel air rushing in from outside your home when you stand close to your windows, they should probably be replaced. Drafty windows can also contribute to increasing energy bills and you will be able to save money by upgrading your old, drafty windows to modern replacement windows.

Condensation Gathering

If you notice condensation or frosting between your windowpanes, we highly recommend having your windows replaced. Moisture between the panes of glass is a telltale sign your seals have failed – and that is an issue that is not easily fixed. Once the seals fail, any insulating gas used to make the window energy efficient is now gone. 

Contact Us Today!

If you are in the market for replacement windows, turn to the team at Arrow Home Improvements. We offer vinyl windows which are energy-efficient and come with many benefits. We proudly serve those in and around Nassau County, Suffolk County, and
Long Island, NY! Call us today for more information or to schedule your window replacement!

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